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Personal Injury Litigation

Personal injury law, or tort law, is that area of law that addresses the injuries suffered by individuals as a result of the negligence of other persons or companies.  While personal injury law is frequently maligned in the press and by politicians, it is one of the most important areas of law, without which our society and economy would suffer greatly.  Every day there are thousands of innocent people who suffer bodily injuries which are unexpected and are caused by the fault of other individuals carelessness or recklessness.  These injuries often cause the innocent party to seek medical treatment, incur medical bills, lost wages and other forms of monetary loss.  Furthermore, these individuals are caused to endure pain and anguish which they would not otherwise have to suffer.  In serious cases, a personal injury can devastate a whole family due to both the loss of the income of the injured as well as the loss society and companionship of the injured.

In our society, which grows more complex and busier every day, personal injury law insures that the products we use in blind faith are safe, that our workplaces are safe, that we receive proper health care, that the prescription drugs we take will not harm us, that we are safe when we enter into a building to shop or a hotel to stay, and that the drivers on our roads use due care.  Unfortunately, when an individual is injured or loses a loved due to the negligence of another person or company, the only recompense or reparation to the injured is money damages.  Invariably, it will be necessary to hire an attorney to insure that you receive fair compensation for your loss.

When an individual suffers a personal injury, he or she will most certainly have to deal with some of the largest and most powerful corporations in the United States, the insurance companies.  The insurance industries have thousands of lawyers, claims adjusters, claims investigators, accountants, lobbyists and executives at their disposal and use them effectively for one purpose, to make a profit.  The insurance companies make their profits not only collecting premiums but, just as importantly, by limiting the dollar amount and number of claims paid on policies.  The insurance industry or corporations are not charitable organizations, but profit oriented and driven corporations which like any other corporations must provide profits to their shareholders.  Curiously, the insurance companies, which owe their existence to the tort system, yell the loudest in Washington for so-called "tort reform".  The "reform" that the insurance companies seek is to limit the amount that an injured person can recover in order for them to retain higher profits.  When an individual suffers a personal injury, his or her only hope is to obtain the assistance of an experienced attorney to level the playing field to insure that his or her rights are protected.

LeClair & LeClair, P.C. has vast experience handling a broad range of personal injury matters.  Our attorneys have handled personal injury actions arising out of automobile accidents, medical malpractice, dental malpractice, lead paint poisoning, product liability, worker's compensation cases, slip and fall accidents, wrongful death actions, assault and battery cases, liquor liability cases, dram shop cases, and negligent security cases.  The attorneys at LeClair & LeClair, P.C. have been able to negotiate favorable settlements for their clients and have also been successful resolving cases through mediation or binding arbitration.   When an insurance company does not make a fair settlement offer, our attorneys diligently pursue claims in both the state and federal courts to obtain an appropriate award for our clients.  In the present climate, insurance companies are not offering to settle cases for as much as they were offering ten years ago.  Therefore, in order to obtain the highest possible amount for your personal injury case, it is often necessary to file suit and pursue the case through trial.  The attorneys at LeClair & LeClair, P.C. have experience litigating hundreds of lawsuits and use that experience to obtain positive results for their clients.

We have provided a number of brief articles that provide some background information on some of the areas of personal injury law.  These articles are merely intended to provide the non-lawyer with a brief overview of the various areas of tort law and are not intended to provide legal advice.  WHENEVER YOU HAVE BEEN INJURED DUE TO THE FAULT OF ANOTHER, YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CONSULT AN ATTORNEY.   IF YOU DELAY IN CONSULTING AN ATTORNEY, YOU COULD POSSIBLY LOSE RIGHTS TO RECOVER AGAINST THE OTHER PARTY, THEIR INSURER, OR YOUR INSURER.  ADDITIONLLY , VALUABLE AND IRREPLACABLE EVIDENCE MAY BE LOST DUE TO YOUR FAILURE TO OBTAIN PROPER ADVICE.

We have also provided some client information forms.  If you are interested in having LeClair & LeClair, P.C. handle your case, please feel free to telephone us or fill out and send the appropriate client information form.  If you have sent us a client information form and have not heard from us within 24 hours, please make sure that you telephone us to insure we received your information.  Prior to LeClair & LeClair, P.C. accepting any case, you will have a consultation with one of our attorneys and a written fee agreement will have to be executed by you and LeClair & LeClair, P.C..  While not all injuries give rise to a cause of action, we are willing to provide you with a free, no commitment consultation to discuss your case.  Whether or not LeClair & LeClair, P.C. agrees to handle your case, any information that is provided to us will be kept confidential.

This web site is designed for general information only.  The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship.  Persons accessing this site are encouraged to seek independent counsel for advice regarding their individual legal issues.